
HALP. I can’t draw!

I need the character art; children playing pretend.

  • Diversity – it would be good to see children of every ethnicity and gender. Representatives of Wheelchair and Down Syndrome would be great too.
  • These are younger kids playing – not in a war against real monsters.
  • Gear should be toys, dress-ups and improvised props
  • Characters that I have planned so far
ExplorerDressed like an historical explorer. Avoiding any idea of colonialism. Backpack & Binoculars are required.
KnightHelmet, sword, shield. Maybe a hobby horse.
Star ArmySpace cadet. Large and small blasters. Boots.
ChefJust a chef. Possible with a rolling pin, wooden spoon, etc.
BuilderOverlarge hard-hat. Tool belt. Overalls; possible also too big.
DetectiveDunno how to do this one. I thought scruffy but … dunno.
RoyaltyCrown or Tiara is a must-have
WizardWand definitely, staff maybe. Pointy hat preferable
Star PilotSpace fighter pilot . Holding a big helmet
GiantFantasy character. Stompy pose holding a ‘tree trunk club’ which is just a branch
ScientistModern looking. Possible wearing parent’s white shirt as a lab coat
ThiefFantasy thief/rogue
BarbarianFantasy barbarian. Some kind of axe
SpyModern spy. overcoat? hat?
BuccaneerA pirate by any other name. Cutlass in evidence.
ESP AgentScifi psychic. Shiny? Some type of headband.
InventorHistorical/victorian inventor/mechanic style of dress.
DoctorModern doctor; toy doctor’s set